Lost marriage certificate from mexico?

Need a copy of marriage certificate?

marriage certificate research

If you have lost your original Mexican marriage certificate and need a certified copy.

administrative support

Need copy of marriage certificate? We can help you with your request in any mexican state.

Need copy of marriage certificate with Apostille?

We are apostille specialist, so if you need this service, don't hesitate in contact us.


New marriage certificate

We process a new marriage certificate with the Apostille. If you only need the Apostille in your marriage certificate we can help you too. We only need the original marriage certificate to get the Apostille.

We can help you to process a new marriage certificate, we will Apostille it and send it to the country where you live, we have international shipping. 

To get a certified copy of your marriage certificate, we will need a scan copy of the marriage certificate.

If you don’t have a copy , we will need to request a Vital Records Search, which has an additional cost. To request a Vital Records search of your marriage certificate we will need:

  • Full names of bride and groom
  • Time and Date of the Wedding Ceremony
  • City where the wedding took place

Prices may vary depending on the state where you are married, please give us your information so we can give you a quote for your order. If you require more information or a quote, please fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you.